Donald Trump

As of Dec. 8 the White House said that Donald Trump’s call for the United States to ban Muslims from entering the United States stood as enough to disqualify him from becoming president and called on Republicans to reject his candidacy immediately.
Any presidential election is bound to be remembered one way or another. But the 2016 presidential election in the United States is predicted to be remembered because of the campaign of one Republican nominee: Businessman Donald Trump.
Trump is a “self-made” real estate mogul, entrepreneur, and T.V. personality.
Trump, having held zero time in any sort of political office, is running his campaign strictly off his ability to run businesses. rated 50 of Trump’s recent debate statements and found that nearly three-quarters of them were either partly false, completely false, or “pants on fire” false, and NONE of them were 100 percent true. He doesn’t even check his own facts, which one would think to be a vital part of running for president.
Most of the “word-diarrhea” coming from Trump is a bunch of false facts that he made up out of his own accord, such as the employment rate being as high as 42 percent — while in reality no credible number reaches that high, and the current unemployment rate rests around 5.6 percent. Then comes his claim that the Mexican government forces their “bad” people to illegally enter the U.S., and CNN’s imaginary report where Trump and Obama were “tied statistically.” Along with Trump’s claims that all immigrants are rapists and drug addicts who come to America to commit crimes and steal Americans’ jobs, Trump wants to spend billions of the nation’s already-dwindling budget to build a wall to stop Mexicans from coming into the country.
Trump sounds like the modern-day Adolf Hitler in that his claims are closely related to the notorious dictator’s. For example, Trump wants to shut down all mosques even though he knows that may be illegal. He has spoken of making Muslims wear ID badges and setting up a “humane deportation force,” that would rid America of illegal immigrants. Eerily enough, 75 years ago the Nazis proposed the Madagascar Plan, a similar idea of ridding Europe of Jews by setting up a deportation force to exile them from Europe.
The mere thought of this man running for a national political office is utterly terrifying. The thought that people with more than 30 percent of Americans want to vote for him terrifies me even more.