Food pantry offers assistance to families
For LHS families in need, LHS has a food pantry available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Students and their parents or guardians can access the pantry, by contacting the student’s counselor.
“No questions are asked about income or need and families can take as little or as much food from the pantry as they need,” said LHS counselor Christina Cahill in an email.
The pantry also accepts non-perishable food donations in the LHS counseling center throughout the school year. Popular items include individual or boxed macaroni and cheese, Cup O’Noodles, Top Ramen, individual cereal boxes, oatmeal, fruit snacks, fruit leather, granola bars, individual packages of crackers, 100-calorie packages, juice boxes, canned chili, ravioli and soup, according to Cahill.