Students in BPA going to state competition

BPA image. Photo courtesy of Bengal's Purr Archives.

BPA image. Photo courtesy of Bengal’s Purr Archives.

LHS Business Professionals of America, more commonly known as BPA, are heading to their state competition in Boise Feb. 23-25. In order to qualify for state, an individual must place in the top three and a team must place in the top two, or an individual can go if they have one of the top four test scores at the regional competition.
This year, 13 students from LHS are competing in the state competition and will help make a backdrop for a photo booth at the BPA competition.
There are three students participating in individual events at BPA: Asher Feucht, Emma Seidel and Ryan Click. Along with the individual events, there is a podcast team that includes Jack Kramasz, Kaeli Fischer, Morgan Williams and Annika Huff. The news broadcast team includes Rylee Wimer, Payton Finch, Forrest Delka and Seyi Arogundade. Marissa Johnson and Cathryn Ho are participating in the fundamental desktop publishing and visual design event.
These 13 students hope to place well at the state competition and qualify for nationals which will be held April 26-30 in Anaheim, California.