LHS Engineering Club competes

Engineering classroom in DeAtley Career and Technical Center. Photo by Danica Keane

Seniors and juniors from Lewiston High School’s engineering program competed in the International Science and Engineering Fair qualifier March 10. The event included participants from more than 60 countries. The LHS students came home with five silver medals and three gold.
Projects entered each included a research paper that the students spent all year working on. These projects ranged from a hydrogen-powered go-kart to an atmospheric water generator. Projects reflected students’ passions, such as coming up with solutions to promote green energy or reduce pollution. Students who won first place received got scholarships and grants; other students received awards from various organizations.
In the LHS pre-engineering program, students learn how to make solid 3D models, technical sketches, and 3D computer models. The three-year program is available to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders, and each course is offered for LHS and college credits. Starting even earlier, ninth graders can learn the basics of engineering in Fundamentals of Technology. Two-year programs after high school and job opportunities are also available to engineering program students.
With lots of hard work and dedication, these projects come to life, and students can learn skills that will aid them far beyond high school and college. Students can create possibly world-changing machines in high school and present them to people who value their skills and ideas. Classes, competitions, and expos like these can showcase and nurture the ingenuity of the next generation.