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Cross Country finishes season with new records

John Potter
John Potter

The 2023 Cross country season has come to an end. The team had 17 boys and eight girls, with John Potter, Alex Rhea, and Brianna Storm as the coaches. For the boys’ season record, Lucas Clements (Freshman) recorded 11 minutes and 16 seconds for the 2-mile race. Clements also finished the 5,000-meter race with 16 minutes and 33 seconds. For the girls, Alexis Keller (sophomore) finished with 15 minutes and 46 seconds for the 2-mile race, and Ali Vanmullen (junior) finished with 15 minutes and 48 seconds.

BP: What are your core values as a coach?
JP: I want players to improve. Racing is designed for improvement. I also want them to be careful with their injuries and have the fun parts of the sport be fun.

BP: How does this season compare to last season?
JP: This season is about the same. The only difference is that we have younger talent this season, which is usually an advantage.

BP: What are your expectations for your players in the off-season?
JP: I expect them to be more competitive for next season.

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