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How old is too old?

Graphic by Taryn Fowler
Graphic by Taryn Fowler

Even though some people think children are the only people that can trick or treat, there shouldn’t be an age limit for trick-or-treating. You should be able to dress up, go out, and have fun with your friends without getting weird looks. Teenagers and young adults should be able to walk around their neighborhoods and get candy and treats the same way that “little” kids do.
Students who attend high school might get picked on by the “popular” kids for dressing up and going trick-or-treating, and that shouldn’t be happening. Bullying kids for doing something fun once a year is wrong. You should be allowed to trick-or-treat without the fear of other people bullying you about it. You only get to do it one day a year and that “one day a year” is the best day of the year for many individuals. Sometimes doing stuff like that reminds many people of their younger selves and brings them back to being a kid again.
Bill Chappell published the article “No candy for you. Some towns ban older kids from trick-or-treating on Halloween” in 2023 on NPR. Chappell states that “In some U.S. towns, it’s illegal for teenagers (and of course, adults) to indulge in the sweetest part of Halloween.” Further down in the article, it talks about how in Virginia they threatened to put teenagers in jail if they participated in trick-or-treating.
In another article titled “Teens should not trick-or-treat,”in 2019 on The Mountain Echo.. Sonia Yost says, “Teens can continue to dress up if they wish, but they shouldn’t be asking their neighbors for candy. They have the ability to drive and get a job. If someone is truly that desperate to get some candy, they can wait till Nov. 1 for those post-Halloween candy discounts.” But teens shouldn’t be told they can’t go out and trick-or-treat. They should be able to go do what they want and not be told they can’t just because they’re not kids anymore.
A solution to this problem may be to promote the idea that trick-or-treating is a fun and harmless tradition that people of all ages can have fun with. Halloween is about community spirit and having fun dressing up and being with your friends, and people shouldn’t be judged for doing so. Another solution would be for teens to take their little siblings out. Then parents don’t have to worry about it, and all of their kids can have fun.
People of all ages should be able to go out on Halloween night without it being a problem for other people around them. It should be normalized and not something that people look at you weirdly for. Everyone deserves that one night a year to dress up and get candy.

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