1. Get outside!
Yes, this is a pretty basic suggestion, but this is one thing a small town has to offer that many bigger cities don’t have. Depending on the season, there are different options. Walking, hiking, and camping are common year-round. Additionally, wintertime offers the possibility of sledding, skiing, and skating, while in the summer one could try swimming, fishing, and boating. Even something as simple as going on a picnic, chatting on a bench by the river, or feeding ducks could lead to a fun adventure (just remember to feed ducks foods they can digest like oats, rather than bread).
2. Stay at home!
This option is frequently overlooked as the cheapest and easiest option. Though staying at home may seem boring, there are many things one could do with others. For instance, cooking or baking together could make some valuable memories as well as providing a delicious treat. And though they seem old-fashioned, board games provide a screen-free method of bonding with friends. Alternatively, watching TV, playing video games, or reacting to social media with friends could also help pass the time.
3. Get out of town!
Though spending money on gas can seem wasteful, especially for teenagers trying to save every penny, there are many things to do with a tank full of gas. Nearby towns could offer some additional options like rock climbing buildings or new stores to look through. Even driving around aimlessly while listening to music or chatting helps establish quality time with friends.
4. Do something for free!
Though it may seem impossible to find something to do for free in a small town, there are a couple of possibilities. For example, public libraries have books to browse, as well as displayed art, video games, and more. Additionally, volunteering gives one something to do while providing one with the pride of helping their community. Furthermore, walking around downtown and looking at random stores is always fun, even if nothing is purchased.
5. Spend some money on memories!
Though some activities can seem expensive to broke teenagers, spending money can be worth it to bond with friends. Getting a treat or shopping around with people can make some valuable memories. If one wants to be more active, one could go to the gym, go bowling, or try an escape room. Another possibility is going to the movie theater and enjoying a friend’s company while appreciating a popular film.
Ultimately, though it may seem like there is nothing to do in a small town, there are a bunch of unique options that require little or even no money. Everyone has different preferences, but if one feels bored with the array of activities they’ve done over and over, trying something new could help inspire creativity and help grow relationships.