Pancheri passes for yardage in head coach position
Pancheri attmepts to fix his computer before Battle of the Bridges.
By Braeden Keane
Sports Features Editor
This year at LHS the varsity football team welcomes Matt Pancheri as its new head coach, replacing Shawn Nilsson.
Football continues as a major sport at LHS. With one of the season’s biggest games in mind, Battle of the Bridges, Pancheri discussed his plans for taking his team and the season head-on.
“I’m really excited,” said Pancheri, who moved to Lewiston this year to coach the LHS football team while teaching US History 10 and 11.
With the new assistant coach, Justin Podrabsky, by his side, Pancheri plans to lead the team to victory at state this year. In order to play well, a team must consist of a strongly bonded group that can also recognize its flaws, he said.
“Some of our strengths are that we have really good, hardworking kids, but we need to work on being better with our coverage,” said Pancheri.
His biggest inspiration growing up was his own high school coach.
“He taught me everything I needed to know for when I started coaching. He taught me to always make sure you take care of the kids first, to make sure they grow in the sport,” said Pancheri.
To Pancheri coaching means that he can impact teenagers’ lives one at a time.
“I think he is an amazing coach who is doing great things for the team,” said Brock Carlin, senior.
The ability for him to coach here has allowed his family to be at home more.
“My wife is from the Northwest, so getting this job helped her move back, meaning my family is happy,” he said.
Sept. 15 was his first experience with the Battle of the Bridges rivalry game against Clarkston High School.
“I can’t wait to see what it’s like” said Pancheri before the rivalry game.
Overall Pancheri loves the atmosphere of the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley.
“I love the coaches and the kids here are awesome.”