Top 10 mouthwatering Thanksgiving foods

The Thanksgiving season is creeping up, and aside from watching football and being “thankful,” food is of highest importance during this glorious holiday. It is important to pick which foods to gorge oneself with. With this being said, here is a list of the 10 best foods to fill the tummy with this Thanksgiving.
10. Sweet potato casserole. This dish is all about the sweet potato. The best part, however, is the marshmallow. The marshmallow-ey goodness on top of the sweet potatoes, which have been mashed and baked with brown sugar, creates a pleasant flavor profile.
9. Dinner rolls. These pieces of bread are a staple of seemingly all holidays, which includes Thanksgiving. The rolls, for some, are the highlight of Thanksgiving dinner. The simplicity of the bread and butter combo that is associated with these rolls is why the rolls make it onto this list. Homemade are better, but the store-bought one are sufficient too. Simple yet satisfying.
8. Gravy. Gravy is typically put on top of items such as mashed potatoes and turkey during this holiday. It only exists to enhance other foods and does not stand alone well, making it a lesser food. It is way too salty, and often done poorly. The only reason gravy is on this list is because it is beloved by so many. It is also an iconic Thanksgiving food that could not be excluded, but it is not as good as the following items.
7. Pumpkin pie. The most commonly served dessert during Thanksgiving is, without a doubt, pumpkin pie. It would be higher on this list if it did not require whipped cream to be truly enjoyable. In many cases, the whipped cream overpowers the pie. The inability for the pumpkin pie to stand without the whipped cream and still be loved is why it is only No. 7.
6. Honey ham. This produced-by-pig, protein-packed meat often takes a backseat to turkey during Thanksgiving. And rightfully so. There is a lot to be said about tradition. While this ham is sweet, savory, and hearty, it simply does not live up to the standard of turkey. That being said, the ham is still delicious, and its presence is always welcome (Unless you are Opinion Writer John Wilcoxson).
5. Pecan pie. This pie is two turntables and microphone; in other words, it’s where it’s at. It is sweet, salty and nutty. The pie is sure to make the mouth dance. The biggest downside is that after a slice or two, the pie becomes altogether too sweet. That is acceptable, though, because the slice(s) before the sweet takes over are incredible.
4. Mashed potatoes. Creamy. Buttery. Starchy. These are the main adjectives that come to mind when mashed potatoes are mentioned. Those adjectives aren’t necessarily great for an entree, but as a side to the entree they are exactly what is desired. Not much can beat that first bite of mashed potatoes during Thanksgiving.
3. Green bean casserole. Perhaps the most underrated food of all time, this casserole is delicious. The green bean mix with the creamy inside is a treat. Take that, and add a deep-fried onion topping, and one of the stars of Thanksgiving is created.
2. Turkey. The all-time classic Thanksgiving food is turkey. When people think Thanksgiving, the odds are that one of the first things that they are thinking is turkey. This poultry has the potential to be juicy, savory, sweet or salty. The range of the flavors that a turkey can conduct is incredible. However, it is easy to make a bad turkey. A common mishap is that the turkey is cooked for too long, and then becomes dry. Nobody likes a dry bird. Turkey is a classic dish, but the ease of which it is to ruin it makes the turkey come short of first place.
1. Stovetop boxed stuffing. This Thanksgiving classic takes the cake… well, not literally, because the cake is metaphorical. But still. Stovetop stuffing is one of the best creations that has ever been. It was forged from the culinary gods and sent from the heavens above. It is salty, savory, and jam packed with chicken-salt flavor (like the stuff from Top Ramen). The reason why this dish takes first place is simple — it is nearly impossible to mess it up. And an item that no one can screw up is an item that deserves to be the winner.
DISHONORABLE MENTION! Cranberry sauce is one of the worst toppings ever invented. If Stovetop stuffing was sent from food heaven, then cranberry sauce was sent from the depths of food hell. It is tart and takes away from anything it is put on. There is no positive to cranberry sauce.