Drama opens musical comedy, Drowsy Chaperone, April 18

The LHS Drama club will put on The Drowsy Chaperone this month. Design by John Patterson.

Courtesy of John Patterson

The LHS Drama club will put on The Drowsy Chaperone this month. Design by John Patterson.

The Lewiston High School drama department will present its musical, The Drowsy Chaperone this month.

The Drowsy Chaperone is “a musical within a comedy.”

Director, Mel Syverson, said, “It is an uproariously funny look at musical theatre through some incredibly cheesy characters, big dance numbers and an endearing narrator.”
Show times for the performances will be at 7 p.m. April 18-21, and 25-26. There will also be a matinee showing at 2 p.m. April 29. Ticket prices are $5 for regular admission, $1 for LHS staff and students, and $3 for seniors, students, and children under 6.

“Ticket prices are super-low for an incredible night of entertainment,” said Syverson.