Boys assembly held in March offers important lessons

Drew Fenter expresses a smile after the annual LHS Golden Throne informational assembly.

On March 7, all of the boys enrolled at LHS attended a nearly two hour assembly in Booth Hall. The speakers consisted of many teachers from LHS, including Mike Jones who discussed humility and gratitude, Scott Funk who discussed respect, Skip Atkinson who discussed accountability, Ricardo Guzman who discussed communication, Matt Pancheri who discussed integrity, and Officer Brian Birdsell who gave an extra long talk on anti-bullying. The students were then left with 15 minutes to ask any teachers any question they had come up with during the lectures. This meeting coincided with the all-girls meeting that took place simultaneously in the auditorium.

    “I thought it went really well,” said Drew Fenter, ASB President, “I think that it is crucial we have a meeting like this for both the boys ands the girls especially in such an era of technology where we are all connected and anybody can sit behind a screen and say anything without facing the consequences.”