Metcalf shares insights, thoughts on post-high school
Maddie Metcalf
At the end of her high school experience, Madeline Metcalf, one of the 2019 valedictorians, said she feels excited to move on, but knows she will remember these three quick years for a lifetime. In this Bengal’s Purr interview, Metcalf laughed about typical traits for high schoolers, while sharing about her accomplishments and advice that the younger students might want to take advantage of.
Erin Kammer: What are your thoughts on being a valedictorian?
Madeline Metcalf: I think being a valedictorian is a really cool accomplishment and it’s something cool to look back on from high school.
EK: What are your thoughts on graduating?
MM: I’m scared to graduate, but I’m also really excited to start something new in my life and be going towards a career.
EK: What was your favorite class in high school?
MM: Probably Anatomy and Physiology with Mr. Leachman.
EK: What is your advice to students who are just now starting their high school careers?
MM: My advice would be to get involved in something around the school there’s like sports and clubs. Just do something and get involved because it is a lot better experience if you do that.
EK: What is your biggest obstacle that you have overcome in high school?
MM: That I procrastinate and I don’t really study for tests or anything.
EK: What is your favorite high school memory?
MM: Being involved on the volleyball team and then doing DECA — getting to go to DECA Nationals conferences and stuff like that.
EK: What is your favorite childhood memory?
MM: My family summer rafting trips.
EK: Who is your role model?
MM: I think my parents are my role models because they work really hard and they are always reaching new goals that they set for themselves.
EK: What was it like being in National Honors Society?
MM: I think National Honors Society is cool because you get to give back to your community. It’s another way to get involved and meet new people around the school. I think it was a good experience and I would recommend it to anyone who has an opportunity or the chance to do it. You might as well, and you won’t regret it.