App assists valley students in need

Students from both the Clarkston and Lewiston school districts are now receiving help through an app called Purposity.
This free app works by sending a notification once a week to its users about the needs of organizations or people locally. It has been in effect in Clarkston and Lewiston has joined for about a year.
In just the past year, people from the Lewiston-Clarkston valley have used the app to help over 500 students receive tangible support.
“It is always important to give back,” said Tina Slyter, the LHS social worker.
App users receive links with stories about those in need, written by someone who works with each person, such as a school social worker or counselor.
Purposity partners with nonprofits, local school systems, and other agencies to find needs from vetted and trusted sources, according to
The requests vary from school supplies for a child in foster care, a pair of shoes for a homeless student or clothes for children in need. Each app user has control in what they want to buy, with prices clearly listed. The average cost is $30 and Purposity handles shipping costs.