FAKE NEWS: Procrastination takes a hold of students academics

Noah Moore staying up until seven in the morning finishing school work. Photo courtesy of GradePower Learning.

As we begin the approach to finals, some may find it difficult to break their procrastination habits.
“It’s just so hard to find the motivation to study sometimes when you know you have so much work ahead of you,” says sophomore Anna Williams.
Well, guess what…you don’t have to!
Recent studies show that procrastination is the best way to study because it gives students additional pressure since they don’t already have enough.
“There are lots of people who work better under pressure. That’s the reason that some prefer to work as EMTs and not at a typical desk job. This type of person will work best knowing that if they mess up at that very moment, there is no going back. There is no time for mistakes—no time to let that essay brew in the back of your mind and come up with sound logic or good mechanics. Instead some procrastinate until the last minute and this has proven to be effective. The stress actually produces masterpieces that would have otherwise received good grades had students started them earlier,” says Daniel Wright, a professor at Cambridge University.
Procrastination is also far more convenient for students. Many simply have more important things to do, like listening to Spotify or mindlessly scrolling through TikTok.
Junior Noah Moore added: “Making time to get my mind off things, like that nagging homework I know I’ll have to do later, has really been effective for me. Sure, I’ve had to stay up into the early hours of the morning to finish my homework, and yes it has cost me a lot of time when I could have been sleeping, but I don’t see how there’s anything wrong with that. I’ve been getting really good grades on my assignments— high Cc’s, low D’s, you know.”