On Dec. 31, during the Polar Plunge, many Lewiston and Clarkston residents were shocked by a glimpse of what appeared to be a giant reptile in the Snake River. Participants reported seeing a large blue and green tail smack against the water before disappearing into it. However, this wasn’t the first time sightings were recorded from either town.
In the summer of 2006, many reported sightings of something large hidden under the surface, with a slight sheen making it visible. While its actual shape was almost indistinguishable, the size of the creature made it evident that it was no regular fish.
Another incident occurred in August of 1961 when the city’s hottest recorded day struck. Residents went to the river hoping to avoid the scorching heat when a large, serpent-like creature jumped out of the water. It quickly leaped back in before any photos could be taken. Still, all the witnesses claimed to see similar things, only changing small details.
It’s unsure whether these sightings are accurate as no evidence supports most of these claims. Many residents will tell you it’s true, so it’s up to you to decide whether it is worth believing in.
If you are looking for evidence, a recent water test done on the river has another story to prove.
When researchers from the Lewiston Wildlife Habitat Area and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game came together to collect samples in the river, many tests prove to have high levels of salt in the commonly known body of freshwater.
While some suspect it to be a coincidence, a potential salt spill or something brought in by a ship previously mentioned in the news, the lab has many concerns about the environment this water-snake might live in.
An animal study conducted by representativesforourreptilians.org claims (and has proven) that most breeds of water snakes may live in freshwater, but can just as easily live in saltwater so long as the reptile does not consume it.
Here is where many naysayers and monster conspiracists have argued over differing speculations. Many believed this could be the tragic end of the supposed sea monster. If that were the case, many believers and sympathizers proposed a memorial type celebration to commemorate all the previous stories existing of the beast.
Before anything was set in stone, the Wildlife Habitat Area put out an announcement saying that while the monsters existence cannot be confirmed, the amount salt in the water was nowhere near deadly enough to kill something of the size so the legend of the sea monster lives to see another day

bubbaX • Feb 9, 2024 at 10:41 AM
sorry to tell you but the quote monster are sturgeon the oldest living bottom feeders
Patrick-sean Correll • Feb 2, 2024 at 8:54 AM
I’ve seen Giant Sturgeon jump and perfectly roll a 360* before Silently rentering the water, amazing and startling when right next to you in a boat. Definitely a Monster in the water.
Natures wonders & Absolute Beauty 💯%
A B H • Jan 31, 2024 at 5:25 PM
It was just a very large Stergeon that made it thru the locks. Nessie don’t live here.