Earth day

Earth day takes place April 22 this year, landing on a Sunday. This day is dedicated to the world’s largest environmental movement.

One goal of the movement is to end plastic pollution and promote the thriving of the natural environment. Through activities such as planting neighborhood gardens, and encouraging recycling, Earth Day helps educate people about the use of plastic and how it affects everyone and everything.

All of the plastic thrown around this planet is taking a huge toll on animals, especially marine life. All of the plastic that is dumped into rivers or tossed aside eventually makes it to the sewer system, which takes it to the ocean in most situations. According to a study at Plymouth University in 2017, plastic pollution affects at least 700 marine species, and an estimated 100 million sea mammals die from it each year.

How hard is it to recycle your garbage? Or use paper bags or cloth bags instead of plastic? Use paper instead of plastic next time you go to the store, or don’t use a bag at all if it isn’t necessary. Small changes can help our World.

This is why we have Earth Day, to spread awareness and to help a cause that is long overdue.