Man on the street: How do you keep safe?

Erika Schlafman

“[By]Not talking to strangers [or] doing drugs. [And] getting pepper spray is a good idea.”

Erika Schlafman
“Keep your friends safe and be aware of your actions.”

“[By]Not talking to strangers [or] doing drugs. [And] getting pepper spray is a good idea.”
“Keep your friends safe and be aware of your actions.”
Erika Schlafman
“I don’t do anything negative that can affect my health or anyone else.”

Austin Sutton: “I don’t do anything negative that can affect my health or anyone else.”

Hailey Jenkins: “Keep your friends safe and be aware of your actions.”

Grace Roetcisoender: “[By]Not talking to strangers [or] doing drugs. [And] getting pepper spray is a good idea.”