Hansen steps up as superintendent

Question: How long have you been assistant superintendent?
Answer: 8 years
Question: What has Bob taught you about being a superintendent?
Answer: Dr. Donaldson has taught me many things, leadership in general because I was his assistant at the highschool, when he was the principal I was the assistant principal and when he was the superintendent here I was the assistant superintendent. But most importantly he taught me more in regards to evaluating situations and having a very broad perspective and taking in multiple points of view before making a decision.
Question: What does a superintendent do?
Answer: The superintendent is hired by the board of directors, they work directly and answer to the board of directors. Their role is to ensure that the policies set forth by the board of directors are enforced; are followed as well as providing leadership for the district and carrying out the directions from the board of directors. So the board of directors will have priorities that will be given to the superintendent and the superintendent’s obligation or job to ensure that those things are coming to fruition.
Question: What does an assistant superintendent do?
Answer: The assistant superintendent has more specific roles when it comes to departments, for example the superintendent is over everything, the assistant superintendent, what my responsibilities included were, I was responsible for maintenance, custodial, food services, transportation, human resources and information technology or the network office. In essence the assistant superintendent kind of oversees the operations of the district, operations as in how kids are fed, making sure that we have lights on and the buildings are appropriate temperatures. My job is not to fix it but to ensure that our buildings are functioning properly. That our students have safe and comfortable environments.
Question: Who will be the new assistant superintendent?
Answer: At this time that position has not been advertised.
Question: What plans do you have for the future as a superintendent?
Answer: The most important thing for me as I’m looking forward into the role of superintendent is to have a conversation with the board of directors to set the priorities for the district moving into next year. That hasn’t happened yet. so, that will be my focus, is ensuring that the board of directors goals that we set for the district are being carried out or at least working towards those goals. Specifically for me the emphasis that I have, or will have, next year is insuring that the working environment or classroom environments are conducive for all children to learn.