Donaldson reports district Covid cases

Source: Lewiston School District
These numbers break down district-wide Covid-19 cases showing the new, active and returned cases.
As of Dec. 16, four students and zero staff members at LHS have Covid-19 or are quarantined due to the virus. According to the superintendent, Dr. Robert Donaldson, a total of 10 students and one staff member are infected in the Lewiston School District at this time. Since the beginning of the school year, 137 students have returned from quarantine, as well as 90 staff members. The district total for Covid cases since the school year began is 147 students and 91 staff.

( Source: Lewiston School District)
Donaldson holds the power to change the school’s to different phases based on Covid numbers. In a recent email, he said the superintendent is allowed to “rapidly exercise judgment and discretion to implement requirements and protocols based on current trends of the virus within the District.”