Remote learning weighs on students

Though a lot of students have given their opinions on how the 2020 remote learning for LHS went this spring, students’ experiences varied widely.

This being my first year on the Bengal’s Purr staff, I got to participate in the Intro To Journalism slideshow projects during the spring semester. These projects asked students to show how we were handling school work from home, along with the isolation of quarantine. Personally, I do not believe that remote learning was effective and I don’t think it gave the opportunity for students to be reach their highest potential in the same way our classroom environments did earlier in the school year.

In an article from U.S News, a world wide report in March called the novel coronavirus “an unprecedented moment in the nation’s history that’s likely to have major and long-lasting implications for the country’s K-12 education system.” That description really made me think about our experience as students. Now we’re in the following school year. We’re following a strict set of guidelines from the CDC, and it’s weird, but we’re here!

The Center for Disease Control has created a set of phases to guide school leaders in deciding whether we’ll continue to be in school during this time. As long as we remain in the green zone, we’ll continue coming to school wearing facial coverings, social distancing as much as possible, and graciously using hand sanitizer. But if we don’t take these precautions, we might have to go back to remote learning. As Chayton Brewer-Burgin, a junior at LHS, put it: “Remote learning is one of the most annoyingly boring things we’ve done.”